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Vertcoin Mining Calculator

When picking out a provider, have in mind the price of the contract and calculate your profitability. Furthermore, make sure to properly research the companies you choose, as there are many scams out there. To get you started, we’ve gone ahead and done that part for you. Our research shows, that NiceHash and MiningRigRentals are reputable cloud mining providers. The team behind the coin have implemented a segregated witness (SegWit) which adds a second layer of security when making transaction. To enable this function, the block size has been doubled, which also translates into faster transfers.

  • With Verthash, Vertcoin mining remains ASIC-resistant, and miners can only operate using a GPU rig, which is relatively cheap hardware compared to ASIC.
  • You should install the latest version of the Vertcoin wallet, designed for the Verthash mining algorithm.
  • You’ll find tips and recommendations, based on their own experience and research, at the link.
  • Discover a new way to optimize your mining setup and boost your earnings.

Download the official Vertcoin wallet from the Vertcoin website and set it up. You must consider various factors to know how you can make mining Vertcoin. However, your GPU’s hash rate is a significant determinant of your mining rewards.

Estimated Mining Rewards

Both solo and pool mining presents their unique perks and disadvantages. For example, as a solo miner, you get to keep all your mining rewards; however, there is a low probability of you mining a block compared to pool miners. Mining Vertcoin is not profitable at this time with the mining hardware hashrate of 2.50 MH/s, electricity costs, and pool / maintenance fees provided. If you successfully mine a block while solo mining, the entire block reward will go to your specified Vertcoin address. Note that while the reward is higher than sharing in a pool, the occurrence might be infrequent, especially if you don’t have a lot of hashing power. The VerthashMiner is another software used for mining VTC coins, and It is compatible with Windows and Linux operating systems.

  • If you’re capped on data, have in mind that you would need about 500MB of traffic daily, for each device.
  • You can use GPUs (like NVIDIA and AMD) for mining Vertcoin due to its ASIC-resistant nature.
  • As a result, few individuals have majority control of these networks, thus endangering the concept of decentralization – a vital pillar of the crypto industry.
  • With ASIC Hub, you can monitor and manage your Antminer, Avalon, Whatsminer, Innosilicon, and other major ASIC brands with ease.
  • In case you want to read dedicated reviews for certain cloud proviers, click here to access our specialized cloud mining webpage.

Now you can save and close the Config file, After saving the config file close and reopen the vertcoin core wallet. If everything is configured correctly, your software will start hashing, attempting to find the next block. If you’re interested in learning more, visit our dedicated page on mining pools for Vertcoin. In this section we’ll go over the setup process in a step-by-step manner. By the time you’re done, you’ll able to call yourself a Vertcoin miner. There are some crucial points to consider when picking a hardware for Vertcoin mining.

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Vertcoin’s algorithm Lyra2RE(v2) makes it perfect for mining with GPUs. The main players in the GPU market are AMD and Nvidia, but we would recommend using cards made by the latter company, as they offer higher price to performance ratios. We have prepared a few top hardware offers for Vertcoin mining to make it easier for you to choose the best one. It is important to point out that the number of days calculated does not account for difficulty increases and decrease as well as block reward increases and decrease (halvening).

Historical data

You will need to add a few lines of text in this file, this needs to be done so the miner can communicate with the network, below are what I used in my config file. Before deciding to be a solo miner or a pool miner, specific requirements must be met to operate as a Vertcoin miner. All downloads from are sourced directly from Vertcoin’s official Github.

How to mine solo Vertcoin?

If you want to read in detail what other types of wallets there are and learn about their pros and cons, visit our dedicated wallets page. Discover the best GPUs for mining based on profitability and hashrates. The Vertcoin mining information is updated continually with the current block mining information. This information is used as the default inputs for the VTC mining calculator along with the default hashrate and wattage specs from the best Vertcoin miner.

With ASIC Hub, you can monitor and manage your Antminer, Avalon, Whatsminer, Innosilicon, and other major ASIC brands with ease. Discover our daily newsletter, empowering investors with market insights. Using the Vertcoin One Click miner, it is effortless to mine Vertcoin. See this video to learn how to mine Vertcoin with the VerthashMiner via MiningPoolHub. If you’re running a script or application, please register or sign in with your developer credentials here.

Hashrate is simply the number of hashes a GPU can solve/submit within a period. For example, the NVIDIA RTX 3090, one of the best GPUs for mining, has a hash rate of 121Mh/s, meaning it processes 121 million hashes per second. A block reward is an incentive that miners get when they approve a transaction. Mining is the process that Vertcoin network use to generate new coins and verify new transactions. Last, but not least, you’ll need a wallet to receive your mined coins. We recommend using the official desktop one – Vertcoin Core for starters.

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